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Growing number of customers using contactless payment at star sites of ORLEN Deutschland


Elmshorn, 3 March 2014
Succesful cooperation between ORLEN Deutschland GmbH and Sparda through the years has resulted in the implementation of modern technologies in terms of contactless payment when fuelling. By today already more than 6% of all payments have been made contactless by Sparda customers.
PayPass function of Sparda allows contactless payments, for amounts below EUR 25 without necessity of signature or PIN. This solution not only saves time of the customers but at the same time grants higher security standards.
„This is an amazing development. By using this new technology our customers pay quick, safe and easy. They do not have to give their card away, don’t have to insert the card into the terminal and are using the newest encoding methods on the chip. This is an attractive package for our customers” explains Daniel Diebold, Head of Omni Markt-Prozesse/Banking Innovation, Sparda-Bank Hamburg eG.
„The quick, easy and safe PayPass method is reaching exactly the expectations of our customers and for that reason we are happy, that Sparda not only launches this technology, but also started a cooperation with our Star sites “, as per Oliver Behrens, Non Cash Transactions Manager der ORLEN Deutschland GmbH.
All Star sites have been equipped with MasterCard PayPass terminals since 2010. In 2012 Sparda also launched the PayPass function via NFC sticker that enable customers to pay by smartphone or key without using credit card.

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